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Feature Spotlight Webinar: Android Analytics

HISP UiO invites you to discover the analytics features of the DHIS2 Android Capture app




5 Mar 2025


14:00 CET

Join us for our webinar on Android analytics

Did you know that the DHIS2 Android Capture app has support for displaying a number of different visualizations, directly on the android device, for aggregate and tracker data and all of it can be done completely offline?

In this Feature Spotlight webinar, we will review the android analytics features and how they are managed using the android settings web app.

  • Review the different types of visualizations that can be displayed on the android device for both aggregate datasets and tracker programs
  • Demonstrate how these visualizations can be added depending on the data set and programs available to a user
  • Demonstrate specific android analysis features, such as the WHO growth monitoring chart
  • Discuss the automated features of visualization creation

For anyone using or considering Android devices in their implementation, this session will be very useful to understand the analysis features of the DHIS2 Android Capture app.

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