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Android Capture App V2.4 Overview

DHIS2 Android Capture App version 2.4 is out with many improvements and bug fixes. On this page you can find information on this software version, including feature descriptions, links to technical documentation, and more

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    Feature Demo Videos

    Discover some highlights of new features in this DHIS2 release with feature demonstrations by DHIS2 experts.

    User Experience and User Interface

    New Icon for Searching TEIs

    The icon for searching TEIs has been redesigned to express the search / registration action. The Android app forces for a search before creating a new TEI, however the information entered in the search fields is transferred to the registration form fields when the search is not successful and the user decides to enter a new TEI. This makes the search a first step for registration, hence the icon has been updated to reflect this integrated action.

    [ Screenshot ][ Jira ]

    New Navigation Bar

    In the current and next version of the app there are new modules like Analytics and Tasks (next version). To expand the structure of the app and offer an easy and intuitive navigation across the new modules, navigation has been moved to a bottom bar. The new Navigation bar is present in the current version in the Event and Tracked Entity Instance Dashboard screens. It will added to more screens as the new functionality is implemented in upcoming versions.

    [ Video ][ Screenshot 1 | 2 ][ Jira ]

    New layout for events and data sets lists

    The user interface of the lists of events and datasets has been modified for a look that integrates with the lists of TEI’s in Tracker programs.

    [ Screenshot 1 | 2 ][ Jira | 2 ]

    Mandatory Data Elements are always displayed

    When a data element is configured as mandatory it will not be hidden by program rules. This behavior aligns with web Capture App.

    [ Jira ]

    Apply legends to data element fields

    Now if a numeric data element has a legend, the app will display a badge with the color and description for the given legend value.

    [ Video ][ Screenshot 1 ][ Jira ]

    Data Entry

    Program Indicators in Event Programs

    Event programs now display program indicators in event data entry. The events implement the new navigation bar, which allows the user to switch between event details, event data entry form and event program indicators.

    [ Video ][ Screenshot ][ Jira ]

    Indicators in Datasets

    Datasets now display indicators in the dataset data entry screen. The indicators will be displayed in the section after the tables.

    [ Video ][ Screenshot | Jira ]

    Local Analytics

    Local offline analytics in TEI Dashboard

    This version of the app includes the display of charts and tables in the domain of a Tracked Entity Instance. In the TEI Dashboard the “Indicators” tab has been replaced by the Analytics tab. In this section the app will display:

    • One value: either a Data Element or a Program Indicator
    • Feedback
    • Charts to display evolution of one data element or program indicator across time in repeatable stages.
      • Column Plain Chart (no background)
      • Line Plain Chart (no background)
      • Line Child Growth Chart (WHO models background): weight for age, height for age, weight for height
    • Tables for evolution of one data element or program indicator across time in repeatable stages.

    [ Video ][ Screenshot 1 | 2 | 3 | Jira ]


    Display Attributes and Data Elements

    In the map, it is now possible to display Attributes and Data Elements together with TEI, Enrollment and Event coordinates. When a program has Attributes or Data Elements configured as either coordinates or polygons they will be listed as maps layers to be displayed in the map.

    [ Video ][ Screenshot 1 | 2 | Jira | 2 ]

    Display current location

    When the user opens the map, the current location of their device will be displayed.

    [ Video ][ Screenshot | Jira ]

    Navigate to selected location

    When the user opens the map, s/he will be able to open the default navigation app (i.e. Google Maps) from the DHIS2 Android Capture App. The default navigation app will open to guide the navigation from the current location of the user to the previously selected coordinate from a TEI, Enrollment, Attribute, Event or Data element.

    [ Video ][ Screenshot | Jira ]

    Tracker and Event

    TEI search form opens in full screen more

    The search screen already covers most of the screen in many implementations, which prevents the user from seeing the resulting TEI list. To avoid confusion, the TEI search form will now open in full screen mode and the results will be shown when the user returns to the Tracker program screen.

    [ Screenshot | Jira ]

    Display Enrolling Organisation Unit in TEI list

    When the user opens a Tracker program and a list of TEIs is displayed, the Enrolling Organisation Unit will be shown in the TEI Card after the TEI Attributes.

    [ Screenshot | Jira ]

    Working Lists

    Working lists have been implemented and are available in both Event or Tracker programs. Working lists are downloaded from the server, and while the user is not able to edit them in the app, s/he will be able to add filters to a selected working list.

    [ Video ][ Screenshot | Screenshot | Jira ]

    Edit Enrollment or Incident date

    The Enrollment and Incident date in Tracker programs can be edited even if auto-generated events have been created. This behavior aligns the functionality with the current implementation in the web Capture App.

    [ Screenshot | Jira ]

    Organisation unit of a program stage not editable

    The Organisation Unit of a program stage (event) can not be edited. This behavior aligns the functionality with the current implementation in the web Capture App.

    [ Jira ]

    DHIS2 Core Compatibility

    Android Capture App version 2.4 is fully compatible with DHIS2 version 2.36 and backward to version 2.30.

    Release Info & Demo

    Click on the links in the table below for more information about this software release and to access an interactive demo. You can also add comments or ask questions about this release on the DHIS2 Community of Practice.

    To find more details about...Follow this link
    Download app from Google Play or GithubDownloads
    Details about each feature on JIRA (requires login)Details on JIRA
    Overview of bugs fixed on JIRA (requires login)Overview on JIRA
    Demo instance (user / password)Demos (android / Android123)
    DHIS2 communityDHIS2 Community of Practice
    App Source code on GithubDHIS2 Android source code
    SDK Source Code on GithubAndroid SDK source code