DHIS2 is generously sponsored by YourKit with licenses to perform application profiling.
DHIS2 is developed by HISP as an open-source software platform and provided without licensing fees as a global public good to help support sustainable development goals. HISP’s work with DHIS2 is funded by a coalition of long-term investment partners, and supported by in-kind contributions from software providers.
Since HISP’s beginning in post-apartheid South Africa in 1994, our work has been funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), the University of Oslo and the Research Council of Norway with the goal of strengthening health systems in the Global South. In 2013, Norad, PEPFAR, and The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria committed to support the HISP program together due to DHIS2’s expanding footprint. Later, UNICEF, the CDC, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), and GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance came on board, and remain active investors in HISP and DHIS2. These health-focused partners were joined in 2019 by STELLA/Novartis for health supply chain and logistics and by IDRC and GPE/KIX for the education sector. In 2022, Resolve to Save lives made an investment in improving the DHIS2 user experience to support their hypertension screening and treatment programs. In 2023, the Wellcome Trust announced two multi-year grants to the HISP Centre to fund both our core DHIS2 development and operations and our new engagement in the field of Climate & Health. Explore a timeline of HISP & DHIS2 investment and development.
Our investors are not merely financial partners. They are our close collaborators on the HISP approach to supporting low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in strengthening their digital systems for improved governance, first in health and increasingly across sectors. We work with them through multi-year agreements that include research, software development, implementation, and capacity building, both at the global level and at the country level through the HISP network. Each year, our investors come together with us in Oslo for an annual meeting to review our progress and help drive us forward, and to help facilitate collaboration and coordination across the investor group.
While our investors have different program priorities, their funding for HISP and DHIS2 balances and complements each other, and supports LMICs in information system strengthening overall. Sharing financial support across investor organizations reduces financial risk, as no one investor is responsible for supporting the core DHIS2 platform by themselves, and they can collaborate to make up for individual shortfalls, and reprogram funding to meet emerging needs, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate change crisis.
This stable funding has enabled HISP to expand and sustain over time, to have the flexibility to explore the latest technologies, to develop a network of experts across countries and regions, and to continue delivering a stable and generic open-source platform that can be adapted to meet new challenges and local demands. The ongoing support of our partners ensures that DHIS2 remains a sustainable free and open-source solution, a digital public good available for use by all.
HISP UiO has kindly been granted licenses for the following software to support our work on DHIS2.
DHIS2 is generously sponsored by YourKit with licenses to perform application profiling.
DHIS2 is generously supported by BrowserStack to help ensure a great experience for our users.
Netlify sponsors DHIS2 with a unified solution for one-click deployments that improves our workflow and how we deploy code.
Better Uptime supports DHIS2 with uptime monitoring.
DHIS2 is generously supported by Transifex to help us to provide localisation across our products and content.
DHIS2 is supported with an Open Source license to JProfiler Java profiler to help resolve performance bottlenecks, pin down memory leaks and understand threading issues.
TestPad sponsors DHIS2 with a simple, intuitive and powerful platform for managing our regression and exploratory testing, and facilitating beta testing across our HISP network.
Canto supports DHIS2 communications by sponsoring user licenses on our Digital Asset Management platform for local groups in the HISP network.
HISP welcomes new partnerships that align with our mission to support digitalization and information system strengthening in LMICs in support of the Sustainable Development Goals; contracts for work related to DHIS2 and information systems on a global, regional, and country level; and financial and in-kind contributions to support our work. Visit the Partner with Us page to learn more.