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Integration & Interoperability with DHIS2

DHIS2 supports integration of different data sources and software applications into a unified information management system, as well as interoperability based on open standards

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    Overview: Integration & interoperability with DHIS2

    The digital health ecosystem includes a diverse selection of systems and tools for collecting, storing, and using data. In many cases, these systems have their own data structures and design frameworks, and as a result much of the information collected using them is stored in silos. This makes it challenging for Ministries of Health and other organizations to analyze their data across programs and sectors, hampering their ability to make data-driven decisions. Two related concepts that can help address this challenge are integration — the process of unifying multiple different information systems so that they function as one — and interoperability — alignment between independent systems so that they can share data with each other.

    HISP UiO supports integration and interoperability as practices that can help countries achieve their goals of strengthening health information systems through more effective data use. As such, we have designed DHIS2 as a platform that can receive and host data from different sources and share data with other systems and reporting mechanisms. This has led to the adoption of DHIS2 as a data warehouse in a number of countries, as well as purpose-driven integrations between DHIS2 and logistics, lab, population and other information systems. The HISP network also develops country capacity for designing and implementing system integrations, and participates in a number of initiatives aimed at increasing interoperability through development and support of global standards.

    On this page, you can find information on integration and interoperability with DHIS2, including common use cases, available tools, and real-world examples. For information on FHIR integration, visit our DHIS2 and FHIR webpage. For technical guidance on implementing integration projects, see the DHIS2 integration documentation on the DHIS2 Developer Portal and read about Integration Concepts section of the DHIS2 Implementation Guide. You can also find videos related to DHIS2 integration and interoperability in the Integration playlist on our YouTube channel.

    The HISP principles: Designing based on local contexts, needs, benefits and goals

    Much of the information on this page and in the DHIS2 documentation deals with how DHIS2 supports integration and interoperability from a technical perspective. However, when approaching these topics in the real world, it is important to consider why integration might be appropriate in a given situation, and whether the potential benefits it could bring outweigh the costs involved, especially given the complexity of initial integration work and the need for maintenance over time.

    The HISP approach to DHIS2 integration and interoperability is based on the following principles:

    • Support country goals: In keeping with our 25+ year historical mission, our guiding principle is to act in solidarity with our country partners, and aid them in achieving their goals.
    • Identify value to users: Integration projects should provide a clearly identified value to the end users / system owners, who should also be consulted in order to determine what this value is.
    • Evaluate costs vs. benefits: The value provided has to be balanced against cost. Interoperability tends to be expensive to implement, both in terms of initial integration work and long term operation and maintenance.
    • Focus on data use, not software: It is more productive to start interoperability projects as internal discussions between departments, programs and MoH sections to determine what data would be useful to exchange, rather than as technical discussions on which software systems could be linked with each other.
    • Design systems locally: System architecture should ideally be done in country. HISP UiO supports increasing the capacity for MoH and others to design, build and maintain their own systems based on the local context, rather than importing abstract designs from external sources.
    • Engage in global collaboration: HISP supports and participates in OpenHIE and other fora focused on interoperability and integration, which provide valuable discussions on new ideas, standards and approaches.
    • Global standards for data exchange: Promote the meaningful use of global interoperability standards such as ADX and FHIR.

    Common DHIS2 integration use cases

    There are several reasons for integrating DHIS2 with other software systems, including combining data from various sources — such as health statistics, logistics or lab data, human resources information — into one platform for joint analysis, combining multiple DHIS2 systems together, or incorporating data into a DHIS2 HMIS from external collection tools. Some common DHIS2 integration use cases include:

    Multiple DHIS2 systems

    Most countries have more than one DHIS2 instance, such as for different health programs. Integrating these can include synchronization of organisation units and data elements across systems, exchange of aggregate data, pushing Tracker data into aggregate systems, and exchange of patient data.

    Data warehouse

    DHIS2 is often used as an integrated data warehouse, combining data from various sources, such as health, logistics, population and human resource data to facilitate cross-cutting analytics.

    Logistics data

    DHIS2 can be used for logistics as an end-user stock data capture and integrated with an upstream eLMIS system for end-to-end supply chain management and to support bottleneck analysis.

    Lab data

    Integration with laboratory systems facilitates the exchange of patient testing data to support disease surveillance and other programs.

    Education data

    The use of DHIS2 as an Education Management Information System (EMIS) is growing, and education data can be combined with health program data to support immunization campaigns and other activities.

    Climate & health

    The emerging use case for combining health and climate data in DHIS2 is paving the way for the integration of DHIS2 with climate systems to bring in weather and other climatic data.

    One Health

    The use of DHIS2 as a One Health platform includes integrating different types of health data, including environmental and animal data, from multiple sources to have a comprehensive picture of the health of people, animals and ecosystems.

    Regional reporting

    Large regional and international organizations such as PEPFAR, WAHO, and CARPHA have integrated DHIS2 systems to allow for regional monitoring and analysis.

    Linking data collection tools

    A large variety of digital data collection tools like CommCare, OpenSRP, and RapidPro can be integrated with DHIS2. The data these tools capture flow into DHIS2 where it can be used for the national HMIS, surveillance programs, surveys, etc. The list on this page includes some common examples.

    Core DHIS2 technical support for interoperability

    Sustaining robust and fully open interoperability support for the DHIS2 platform is a priority for HISP UiO. DHIS2 is designed to facilitate interoperability on an architectural level, and the HISP network has developed guidance and tools to support integration with DHIS2, with additional technologies in development.

    DHIS2 Web API

    DHIS2 provides robust APIs that are fully open and well documented, encouraging both development of external applications on top of DHIS2 and integration with other tools. This is a foundational building block, and not common in other software platforms, where APIs are frequently limited or blocked by paywalls. Furthermore, starting from DHIS2 version 40, the DHIS2 API is formally described in OpenAPI which allows the generation of documentation, clients in various programming languages, testing tools, and many other use cases.

    ADX data format

    From DHIS version 2.20 we have included support for an international standard for aggregate data exchange called ADX, which is developed and maintained by the Quality Research and Public Health committee of the IHE.

    Flexible data model

    The DHIS2 data model allows heterogeneous identification / coding schemes, which lets implementers assign codes to objects in DHIS2 that correspond with codes in other systems to support data and metadata matching.

    Standardized metadata packages

    HISP UiO has collaborated with WHO and other partners to develop and publish standardized metadata packages that include dataset definitions, indicators, and dashboards that are based on shared, open standards.

    DHIS2 App Hub

    With the App Hub, DHIS2 provides a platform for independent developers to share custom applications that can be downloaded and installed on any DHIS2 system. Many of these apps support integration and data exchange.

    DHIS2 integration examples

    Code artifacts showcasing DHIS2 integrations are available for reuse and adaptation on GitHub.

    Tools supporting DHIS2 integrations

    The DHIS2 interoperability team has developed the following open-source tools to assist interoperability projects, each of which are freely available for download and use via GitHub under the BSD 3-Clause license.

    ICD-10/11 exporter

    Exports ICD-10/11 codes as DHIS2 option sets.

    Explore on GitHub

    AEFI-to-E2B Facade

    Service turning DHIS2 AEFI cases into E2B ICSRs.

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    A stand-alone middleware solution that integrates DHIS2 with RapidPro, allowing for synchronizing users, transferring aggregate data and sending automated reminders.

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    DHIS2 Jave SDK

    An Android-compatible Java library that allows you to write code quickly and accurately based on DHIS2 terminology.

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    Camel DHIS2 Component

    An Apache Camel module that allows developers to integrate Camel middleware applications with DHIS2.

    Explore on GitHub

    Camel Archetype DHIS2

    Quickly bootstrap an app with Apache Camel in order to help you get started with your DHIS2 integration software project.

    Explore on GitHub

    External systems that support integration with DHIS2

    A large number of software systems and platforms support integration with DHIS2. Below, you can find a non-exhaustive list that is divided into integration middleware, generic systems and platforms, and domain-specific systems. More information about these systems can be found via the links to their websites included below and in the Digital Square Global Goods Guidebook.

    Integration middleware

    A selection of middleware systems are available to facilitate integration with DHIS2:

    General systems & platforms

    Several general-purpose systems and platforms can be integrated with DHIS2:

    Domain-specific systems

    The following list includes examples of domain-specific systems and applications that have been integrated with DHIS2:

    Impact stories: Providing value to in-country users through integration

    Read the stories below for examples of how successful integration between DHIS2 and other systems has provided value to users and governments by facilitating data use and analysis.

    Discuss integration projects with the core team and global community

    The DHIS2 Community of Practice (CoP) is the primary forum for DHIS2 discussion and support. If questions or challenges arise when integrating DHIS2 with other software systems, the CoP is a great place to ask questions and get support from the international community of DHIS2 experts, including members of the core DHIS2 interoperability team.

    Join the Discussion


    You can also contact the HISP Group in your region for support on country-level integration projects, or email the DHIS2 interoperability team directly at: integration@dhis2.org

    Global collaboration on interoperability

    HISP UiO actively works towards the goal of greater DHIS2 interoperability to support a diverse ecosystem of digital health tools. We are members of the Health Management Information System (HMIS) community of OpenHIE, which was organized to lead the development and deployment of open-source technologies to better manage health information and promote better health outcomes. We are also active members of Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE), where we have participated in standards committees, and have been directly involved in authoring a number of IHE profiles related to exchange of health data. HISP UiO also collaborates with the World Health Organization on the WHO Health Data Toolkit, which aims to strengthen data use on a national and international level through promotion of best practices and global standards. Besides WHO, we regularly collaborate with UN agencies such as UNICEF and FAO, HL7 affiliates and PATH to further advance DHIS2 interoperability with other health systems.

    Through engagement with these organizations and others we continue to work toward developing and disseminating global standards, such as FHIR. The DHIS2 team also collaborates with counterparts from other health information systems and applications to develop generic approaches for integration across platforms. In addition, the team publishes DHIS2-compatible code lists of common terminology that are aligned with SNOMED GPS, LOINC, ICD-10 and other common standards.