Getting support for DHIS2 projects
DHIS2 installation and configuration can be quite complex, depending on the scale and scope of your project. Here you can find a selection of options for getting support
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Ask questions and get answers from the DHIS2 community
The DHIS2 Community of Practice (CoP) is an online discussion forum for DHIS2 practitioners, developers, implementers and other experts from around the world. You can use the CoP to ask questions, request support, post employment opportunities, read and share best practices and lessons learned, and participate in the global DHIS2 conversation.
The CoP includes an archive of support discussions from our previous Launchpad mailing list, and new discussion topics are created on a daily basis. You can sign up to create a free account at any time, and configure your preferences for email notification about new topics.
Request support from the HISP network
HISP is a global movement to support DHIS2 implementation, local customization and configuration, offer in-country and regional training, and to promote DHIS2 as a global public good. HISP groups are located throughout Africa, Asia, and the Americas and provide support to countries within their regions and to regional and international organizations. If you are interested in requesting implementation or training support, you can contact your local HISP group directly.
Build your DHIS2 team capacity
The HISP network supports DHIS2 capacity building through local, national, regional, and international training courses. You can visit the DHIS2 Academy pages to learn more about our training curriculum, or contact the HISP network or the core team to request specific capacity building activities.

Report bugs & request new features
DHIS2 uses Jira for issue tracking and our software roadmap. You can use Jira to report bugs, request new features, and get an overview of which features make it into each release.
Before reporting a bug in DHIS2, please check the DHIS2 Community of Practice to see if your issue has already been addressed. If you confirm that you have found a bug that has not already been identified, you can report it on Jira by navigating to the DHIS2 Jira homepage, clicking “create” in the top menu, selecting “bug” as the issue type, and filling out the required fields.
Request a DHIS2 demo
Are you wondering if DHIS2 could be a good fit for your project? Request a demo with one of our experts to discuss your use case and see how DHIS2 could help you manage your data – for health programs, disease surveillance, education management, and more.
Contact Us
Do you have a question that was not answered on this page? Visit our Contact Us page for additional options for getting in touch with the DHIS2 team.