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DHIS2 is open source software licensed under the liberal BSD 3-clause license and is free for everyone to install and use. On this page, you can find downloadable files for the DHIS2 core software, plus links to related applications and metadata packages developed by DHIS2.

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    Core DHIS2 Software

    You can get the latest stable release for all maintained versions from the links on the cards above. The DHIS2 WAR file requires you to install a Java servlet container (like Tomcat or Jetty) and PostgreSQL. If you are just getting started, check out the installation guide for Ubuntu Linux.

    The WAR files are hosted on releases.dhis2.org where you can also find nightly (“canary”) as well as bleeding-edge (“development”) builds, by selecting the appropriate channel.

    Please note that if you are upgrading your DHIS2 instance you should consult the upgrade notes for each version in between your current version and the new version you are installing, to be aware of any new requirements or configuration changes. Refer to our upgrading documentation for additional information and tips.

    For older versions of the DHIS2 core software, visit our Downloads Archive page.

    When is the next patch for my version?

    The following timeline shows our current target dates for upcoming patches. Click on a patch to see more details. Note that these are only target dates and may vary a little. Typically, we stop including fixes about one week before the target in order to begin regression-testing the patches.

    Cloud Hosting

    Deploying a DHIS2 instance requires a web server. There are several options available for hosting DHIS2, including virtual service providers and DHIS2 software as a service, where hosting aspects such as backups, security and high-speed connectivity are taken care of.

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    DHIS2 Android Capture App

    The DHIS2 Android Capture App allows for mobile data capture in both online and offline mode, across all DHIS2 data models. Data and metadata are automatically synchronized whenever there is internet access, always keeping the most relevant data for the logged-in mobile device user.

    In addition, the Android Settings Web App can be downloaded from the DHIS2 App Hub and installed in a DHIS2 instance to allow system administrators to test and configure synchronization parameters for the Android Capture App and encrypt the local database of the android devices.

    App Hub: Additional Web Apps

    The DHIS2 App Hub provides links to additional web applications for the DHIS2 platform developed by the core DHIS2 team, our HISP network, international partners such as the World Heath Organization (WHO), and other members of the global DHIS2 community. These apps are fully compatible with the core DHIS2 software platform.

    You can browse and download the available DHIS2 web apps in our App Hub.

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    Metadata is data that gives information about other data. DHIS2 metadata are the configurable objects that provide structure and meaning to your system. This includes information on where (e.g. org units), when (e.g. event dates, reporting periods) and what (e.g. data elements) data are collected, as well as analytical outputs such as indicators, data visualizations and dashboards. DHIS2 metadata are fully customizable, which allows the platform to be used in a wide variety of contexts —including health, immunization, education, logistics, agriculture, sanitation and more.

    When you download the DHIS2 software, you start from a blank slate – an empty database that has no meaning. To help implementers fast-track their DHIS2 configuration, we make metadata packages available in a .json file format for implementers to download, edit, and customize for their own implementation.

    Read more and download DHIS2 metadata on the Metadata Downloads page.

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    Source Code

    The DHIS2 source code is hosted at Github and you can find it at github.com/dhis2. The server-side code is found in the dhis2-core repository. Each stable release has its own release branch, named like 2.342.35 and so on. The client-side apps are found in separate repositories named with an -app suffix. The source code is released under the BSD 3-clause license.

    Sample Data

    When setting up your system it is useful to have access to a database with sample data. This database contains data from the DHIS2 implementation in Sierra Leone. The PostgreSQL file must be gunzipped and can be imported through pgAdmin restore function or with psql -d dbname -U username -f dhis2-db-sierra-leone.sql. You might want to install the 7zip package to gunzip the database file on Windows.

    You can also find all sample data on databases.dhis2.org.