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Global HISP Network

HISP is a global movement to support DHIS2 implementation, local customization and configuration, offer in-country and regional training, and to promote DHIS2 as a global public good

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    About the HISP network

    The HISP Centre at the University of Oslo (UiO) works in collaboration with a global network of HISP groups and trusted regional partners to provide DHIS2 implementation support, local customization and configuration, and in-country and regional capacity building through our DHIS2 Academy program, and to promote DHIS2 as a global public good. HISP groups also play an important role in the DHIS2 software development process, including requirements gathering, facilitating feedback from the field, and innovative development of web and mobile applications and local configurations that DHIS2 developers can then integrate into the core platform for worldwide use. The collaboration between HISP UiO and the HISP network is ultimately based on trust and a shared understanding and adherence to a set of guiding principles, which is codified through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Visit the HISP Centre website to learn more.

    HISP groups are among our most trusted, long-term partners in the field. As such, they are the primary DHIS2 liaisons with Ministries of Health in the countries where DHIS2 is deployed, and this close and ongoing collaboration has been the main reason for the success of DHIS2 adoption in more than 70 countries. These groups are led by DHIS2 experts — several of whom have completed PhD and MA programs related to DHIS2/HISP projects at UiO or partner universities — and are staffed with experienced DHIS2 implementers, developers, and trainers who provide support for national, regional, and international projects.

    In addition to collaborating with HISP UiO on projects, individual HISP groups are also available to provide DHIS2 support and consultancy directly. The HISP groups listed on this page have become our trusted partners over years of collaboration. Browse groups in the HISP network by region below to find the HISP group in your area or language community. If your region is not included in this list, you can contact HISP UiO directly at post@dhis2.org

    East & Southern Africa regional HISP groups

    The following HISP groups provide DHIS2 support in the East and Southern Africa region.

    HISP Ethiopia

    Contact: Seid Hussein [LinkedIn]

    Languages: English, Amharic

    Email: seid.hisp@gmail.com

    HISP Kenya

    Group Lead: Raphael Pundo [LinkedIn]

    Languages: English

    Email: raphael_pundo@hisp.or.ke

    Website: hisp.or.ke

    HISP Rwanda Logo

    HISP Rwanda

    Group Lead: Andrew Muhire [LinkedIn]

    Languages: English, French, Swahili

    Email: muhireandrew@gmail.com

    Website: hisprwanda.org

    Saudigitus Logo

    Saudigitus (HISP Mozambique)

    Group Lead: Zeferino Saugene [LinkedIn]

    Languages: Portuguese, English

    Email: zsaugene@gmail.com

    Website: saudigitus.org

    HISP South Africa Logo

    HISP South Africa

    Contact: Elmarie Claasen [LinkedIn]

    Languages: English, Afrikaans

    Email: elmarie@hisp.org

    Website: www.hisp.org

    HISP Tanzania Logo

    HISP Tanzania

    Group Lead: Wilfred Senyoni [LinkedIn]

    Languages: English, Swahili

    Email: senyoni@hisptanzania.org

    Website: hisptanzania.org

    HISP Uganda

    Group Lead: Prosper Behumbiize [LinkedIn]

    Languages: English, Swahili

    Email: ptb3000@gmail.com

    Website: hispuganda.org

    HISP Zimbabwe

    Group Lead: Rangarirai Matavire

    Languages: English

    Email: info@hispzw.org

    Website: www.hispzw.org

    University of Malawi

    Contact: Tiwonge Manda

    Languages: English

    Email: tmanda@unima.ac.mw

    West & Central Africa regional HISP groups

    The following HISP groups provide DHIS2 support in the West and Central Africa region.

    HISP West & Central Africa Logo

    HISP West & Central Africa

    Group Lead: Edem Kossi [LinkedIn]

    Languages: French, English

    Email: ekossi@hispwca.org

    Website: hispwca.org

    HISP Côte d'Ivoire

    Contact: Eric Allade

    Languages: French, English

    Email: info@hispci.org

    Website: hispci.org


    Group Lead: Patty Keto [LinkedIn]

    Languages: French

    Email: ketolass@gmail.com | pketo@hispwca.org

    HISP Ghana

    Group Lead: Foster Gbagbo

    Languages: English

    Email: info@hispghana.org

    Website: hispghana.org

    HISP Mali

    Group Lead: Ismaël Dembele [LinkedIn]

    Languages: French, English, Malinké

    Email: idembele@hispwca.org


    HISP Nigeria

    Group Lead: Aluka Terpase [LinkedIn]

    Languages: English

    Email: aluka.terpase@gmail.com

    Website: hispnigeria.org.ng

    HISP Rwanda Logo

    HISP Rwanda

    Group Lead: Andrew Muhire [LinkedIn]

    Languages: English, French, Swahili

    Email: muhireandrew@gmail.com

    Website: hisprwanda.org

    Saudigitus Logo

    Saudigitus (HISP Mozambique)

    Group Lead: Zeferino Saugene [LinkedIn]

    Languages: Portuguese, English

    Email: zsaugene@gmail.com

    Website: saudigitus.org

    HISP South Africa Logo

    HISP South Africa

    Contact: Elmarie Claasen [LinkedIn]

    Languages: English, Afrikaans

    Email: elmarie@hisp.org

    Website: hisp.org

    Middle East & North Africa regional HISP groups

    The following HISP groups provide DHIS2 support in the Middle East & North Africa region.

    HISP Middle East and North Africa

    Group Lead: Mohammad M. Baniode [LinkedIn]

    Languages: Arabic, English

    Email: mbaniode@hisp.me

    Website: hisp.me

    Asia & the Pacific regional HISP groups

    The following HISP groups provide DHIS2 support in the Asia and the Pacific region.

    HISP Bangladesh

    Group Lead: Hannan Khan [LinkedIn]

    Languages: English, Bengali

    Email: hannank@gmail.com

    Website: hispbd.org

    HISP India Logo

    HISP India

    Group Lead: Saurabh Leekha [LinkedIn]

    Languages: English, Hindi

    Email: saurabh.leekha87@gmail.com

    Website: hispindia.org

    HISP Indonesia

    Group Lead: Taufiq Sitompul [LinkedIn]

    Languages: English, Bahasa Indonesia

    Email: taufiqhs@hispindonesia.org

    HISP Pakistan

    Group Lead: Adnan Bashir [LinkedIn]

    Languages: English, Urdu, Hindi

    Email: adnan@hisp.org.pk

    Website: hisp.org.pk

    HISP Sri Lanka

    Group Lead: Pamod Amarakoon [LinkedIn]

    Languages: English, Sinhala

    Email: pamod@hispsrilanka.org

    Website: hispsrilanka.org

    HISP Vietnam

    Group Lead: John Lewis [LinkedIn]

    Languages: English, Hindi

    Email: johnlewis.hisp@gmail.com

    Website: hisp.vn

    Latin America & the Caribbean HISP groups

    The following HISP groups provide DHIS2 support in the Latin America & the Caribbean region.

    HISP Colombia

    Group Lead: Marko David Garcia [LinkedIn]

    Languages: Spanish, English

    Email: mgarcia@hispcolombia.org

    Website: hispcolombia.org