Dataset redesign
The layout for datasets data entry has been redesigned for a more integrated user experience and clean user interface.
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DHIS2 Android Capture App version 2.5 is out with many improvements and bug fixes. On this page you can find information on this software version, including feature descriptions, links to technical documentation, and more
Discover some highlights of new features in this DHIS2 release with feature demonstrations by DHIS2 experts.
The Android app can now render analytics that have been created in the Data Visualizer app in DHIS2. Analytics to be displayed require configuration using the Android Settings Web App, where administrators will be able to select the charts and tables to be displayed for end users. These visualizations can be rendered on the home screen of the App, on the dataset screen and at the programs level. All analytics are aggregated in the device using local data. The Analytics feature is 100% functional offline.
The analytics supported in the Android App are:
All these visualizations can be organized and displayed in groups. Groups are also configured using the Android Settings Web App. For each visualization object, the user will be able to filter in the app by:
Video | Jira | Screenshot | Screenshot 2 | Screenshot 3 | Screenshot 4 | Documentation
The layout for datasets data entry has been redesigned for a more integrated user experience and clean user interface.
Video | Jira | Screenshot
Data elements or attributes type text can be configured as QR or barcodes. With the new export / share option, users will be able to display a bar or QR code in an image so that it can be shared it for printing, take a screenshot or show it on the screen for scanning.
Video | Jira | Screenshot | Documentation
When program sections rendering type is used in combination with icons, a section with a single data element and associated Option Set renders the assigned icons next the options to simplify data entry. The layout and design of this screen has been redesigned and improved for a better user experience.
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In the DHIS2 Android Capture App users can switch date selection from spinner to calendar view. In this version, the app will remember the last visualization selected by the user and use it the next time the user needs to select a date.
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Data can be blocked for many reasons in DHIS2, because of access restrictions or expiration, among others. When an Event, TEI or Data Set are not editable, the user will be able to find the reason in the “Details” section. The possible reasons are:
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The options offered at the TEI dashboard will be tailored to the specific configuration of the program.
Video | Jira | Jira 2 | Jira 3 | Documentation
After three versions since maps were included in the DHIS2 Android App, we have reviewed and improved the user experience based on community feedback.
Jira | Documentation
If the user grants location permissions to the App, the map will show the current location represented as a blue color dot. The maps in the DHIS2 Android Capture App now include the possibility to center the map on the user location.
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The app now allows users to add relationships from single events (in Event programs) to TEIs. There is a new tab in the event dashboard, named relationships, that is active when it is configured in the server. This version does not allow relationships from TEIs to events or using events that belong to an enrollment.
Video | Jira | Screenshot | Documentation
In Tracker programs, the ‘Follow Up’ filter allows the user to filter out the TEIs that have been marked as ‘Follow-up’. TEIs can be marked for follow-up in the TEI Dashboard.
Video | Jira | Screenshot | Documentation
The language of the interface will correspond to the language set in the DHIS2 user configuration. If the language is not available in the app, it will pick the language of the device. If none of the language configurations are available, the app will default to English. Translations set up in DHIS2 for metadata will also be shown according to the language in the user configuration.
Video | Jira | Documentation
You can find a list of improvements related to quality, security and performance in this release on Jira.
Android Capture App version 2.5 is fully compatible with DHIS2 version 2.37 and backward to version 2.30.
Click on the links in the table below for more information about this software release and to access an interactive demo. You can also add comments or ask questions about this release on the DHIS2 Community of Practice.
To find more details about... | Follow this link |
Download app from Google Play or Github | Downloads |
Documentation | Documentation |
Details about each feature on JIRA (requires login) | Details on JIRA |
Overview of bugs fixed on JIRA (requires login) | Overview on JIRA |
Demo instance (user / password) | Demos (android / Android123) |
DHIS2 community | DHIS2 Community of Practice |
App Source code on Github | DHIS2 Android source code |
SDK Source Code on Github | Android SDK source code |