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AEFI Training Material

Train your national or local immunization team on key aspects of using DHIS2 for AEFI reporting with our downloadable and customizable training guides

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    Downloadable AEFI training guides

    The AEFI (Adverse Events Following Immunization) Training Material offers learning aids that are based on the DHIS2 WHO AEFI packages. They will need to be modified to include specific information from your own AEFI implementation (including text modification, screenshots, instructions for / from your specific implementation) in order to be used effectively, and are meant as a reference when designing your own training material. The material includes instructions indicating where possible modifications can be made based on changes to the available configuration. View a slide presentation on the DHIS2 AEFI packages and resources.

    This material complements the existing package documentation from the WHO Package Downloads page, which should be used as an additional reference as required. The material currently available can be downloaded as Microsoft Word documents (.docx files) contained together in a single .zip file, and includes the following components:

    Data Entry for the AEFI package:

    • Trainer’s guide to conducting the training session
    • Exercises to accompany the training session
    • Series of 1-page job aids for end-users to refer to during and after the training describing the data entry processes discussed in the trainer’s guide and exercises

    AEFI Dashboards:

    • Job aid for end-users to refer to, which provides a basic overview of how to navigate to dashboards included within the available AEFI package
    • Detailed description of the AEFI line lists, which are summary line lists that are derived from the data included within the AEFI reporting form. This can be used as a reference to help interpret the various outputs within the dashboard that are related to these line lists.

    AEFI Reporting Forms and Storylines:

    • The AEFI reporting forms are examples of filled-in AEFI reporting forms using a global standard template. They can be used as examples to modify or fill in existing local reporting forms for training and are used as reference throughout the data entry trainer’s guide and exercises.
    • The AEFI storylines are descriptions of individual AEFIs. This can be used as a reference to help formulate local use-cases to be used within training if none exist and / or to support the development of direct data entry if data will be entered in real-time. These are also referenced within the data entry trainer’s guide and exercises.

    >> Download AEFI Training Material

    Webinar on DHIS2 AEFI packages

    Watch the webinar on the DHIS2 YouTube channel to learn more about the WHO AEFI package