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Android Capture App v2.9 Overview

DHIS2 Android Capture App version 2.9 is out with many improvements and bug fixes. On this page you can find information on this software version, including feature descriptions, links to technical documentation, and more

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    User Experience

    Disable referral in tracker programs

    When users add events in a Tracker program, the DHIS2 Android Capture app offers three options: Add (for new events), Schedule (for planning future events) and Refer (for referrals or transfers). As this third option is not used in many implementations, this new feature enables the admin user to remove that option from the menu to simplify the user experience. The referral option can be hidden using the Android Settings web app for all programs or for each specific program.

    Jira | Documentation App | Documentation Webapp | Screenshot

    Skip home screen if users only have access to one program

    The home screen of the DHIS2 Android App shows the list of programs and datasets available for the user. The first thing a user must do when using the app is to select the program or dataset to work with. In some implementations, users have access to only one program or dataset. To reduce the number of clicks and streamline the process of data entry, the app will now skip the home screen in cases where the user has access to only one program or dataset, and will instead open directly to the program or dataset screen with the event, TEI or dataset list.

    Jira | Documentation | Screenshot

    Display program stage description

    The description for program stage sections was not available to the end user in previous versions of the app. To provide more context and information at the moment of data collection, the description has now been brought to the user interface and will be displayed below the section name.

    Jira | Documentation | Screenshot

    Disable collapsible sections in forms

    Stage sections in the Android App are displayed with collapsible menus that enable the user to open one section at a time. The purpose of this accordion-like implementation is to help the user navigate very long forms. However, some implementations would prefer to list the sections one after the other. This new version of the application enables the admin user to decide if the sections should appear in extended mode. This configuration is made through the Android Settings web app and will display the sections one after the other with the section name acting as a separator.

    Jira | Documentation App | Documentation Webapp | Screenshot

    Move working lists under the search bar

    The working lists have been moved from the filters section to the main program screen. In earlier versions, the user had to open the filters to be able to see and select a working list. From this version the working lists are always visible under the search bar facilitating their use for filtering out Tracked Entity Instances.

    Jira | Documentation | Screenshot

    New design for Dataset, Event and TEI cards

    Cards are used for listing datasets, events and TEIs. The new design offers a cleaner and more intuitive layout, replacing the use of colored icons by descriptive text when relevant.

    Jira | Documentation datasets | Documentation events | Documentation TEI | Screenshot

    Implement changes in TEI Dashboard details

    The TEI Dashboard has been redesigned for both portrait and landscape view. The new design offers a cleaner and more intuitive layout, replacing the use of colored icons by text when relevant and moving some secondary actions to the hidden menus.

    Jira | Screenshot | Documentation

    Data entry forms: New inputs per value type

    The inputs for all value types have been redesigned. Tappable areas and texts have been increased and selection modes are improved to offer a cleaner and more intuitive user experience. By default, the Android App will continue to display the previous forms. Admin users are able to opt-in to use the new forms through the Android Settings web app.

    Jira | Documentation App | Documentation Webapp | Screenshot


    The TEI Header is a title that can be added to the TEI cards and dashboards in the app. The title helps identify a TEI by displaying a summary of key information. It is formed by a concatenation of Tracked Entity Attributes and fixed text. The title is configured through a Program Indicator in the Maintenance app and is assigned to the Tracker program in the Android Settings web app. This feature is experimental, and depending on feedback and adoption it will be refined and incorporated in the web Capture app.

    Jira | Documentation App | Documentation Webapp | Screenshot

    Other User Experience improvements

    Smaller improvements focussing on user experience include:


    Bug fixing: You can find the list of bugs fixed here.

    DHIS2 Core Compatibility

    Android Capture App version 2.9 is fully compatible with DHIS2 version 40 and backward to version 2.30.

    Release Info & Demo

    Click on the links in the table below for more information about this software release and to access an interactive demo. You can also add comments or ask questions about this release on the DHIS2 Community of Practice.

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    Download app from Google Play or GithubDownloads
    Full list of features and bugsAndroid Release Notes
    Demo instance (user / password)Demos (android / Android123)
    DHIS2 communityDHIS2 Community of Practice
    App Source code on GithubDHIS2 Android source code
    SDK Source Code on GithubAndroid SDK source code