Live events that take place in person
Join us in Zimbabwe for a hands-on, interactive workshop focused on DHIS2 interoperability and harmonizing digital health infrastructure across Africa.
Want to enhance your skills in implementing the DHIS2 Android Capture mobile app? Join us in Zimbabwe for our regional DHIS2 Android Implementation Academy!
Rejoignez-nous pour cette Académie conduite par des experts DHIS2 de HISP WCA pour 5 jours de formation intensive sur la gestion des systèmes DHIS2.
A Universidade de Oslo e a Saudigitus têm o prazer de anunciar a Academia DHIS2 Qualidade dos dados para aprender como planejar, monitorar, avaliar e fortalecer o desempenho do sistema de saúde e tomar decisões.
Are you a DHIS2 tracker implementer looking to enhance your skills in tracker configuration? Join us for the Tracker Configuration Academy!
A Universidade de Oslo e Saudigitus tem o prazer de anunciar a próxima Academia de configuração de programas Android no DHIS2, a ser realizada de 12 a 17 de Agosto no Hotel Southern Sun, em Maputo, em Moçambique.
Are you working within the Asia Pacific region? Join us to meet and share experiences about DHIS2, learn about the latest developments and innovations and make connections.
Rejoignez-nous pour cette Académie conduite par des experts DHIS2 de HISP WCA pour 5 jours de formation intensive sur les Principes de configuration d’Android.
Rejoignez-nous pour cette Académie conduite par des experts DHIS2 de HISP Rwanda et du Centre HISP – UiO qui portera sur la visualisation des données dans DHIS2.
Join us for this exciting five-day Academy led by DHIS2 experts, University of Oslo and HISP Tanzania focusing on Tracker Data Capture & Analysis.
أساسيات جمع البيانات وتحليلها
يدعوكم برنامج نظام المعلومات الصحية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا (HISP MENA) وجامعة أوسلو لحضور هذه الأكاديمية لتتعلموا كيفية إدخال وتحليل البيانات على مستوى الأفراد
HISP Mali, HISP République Démocratique du Congo et le Centre HISP – Université d’Oslo accueillent les participants dans cette Académie pour acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour concevoir, configurer et gérer un programme Tracker.
The HISP Centre – University of Oslo invites you to attend this Add-On Academy following the DHIS2 Annual Conference, to understand how DHIS2 can be utilized to implement an integrated system in practice.
The HISP Centre – University of Oslo invites you to participate in this Add-On Academy in conjunction with the DHIS2 Annual Conference, to gain in-depth training on security audit planning and preparation, DHIS2 threat landscape and risk assessment, audit procedures, DHIS2 compliance and more.
The HISP groups of Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Zimbabwe and Malawi invite you to join this Academy, which will provide you with the skills to build reports and dashboards, and design different outputs.