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DHIS2 News: HISP Centre contributes to GFF learning tool on HIS landscape

The online resource published by the Global Financing Facility helps organizations understand what Health Information System meets their needs

16 Nov 2022 News

The Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents (GFF) is a global partnership with its center at the World Bank that is “committed to ensuring all women, children and adolescents can survive and thrive.” Since 2015, the GFF has provided financial support to 36 low and lower-middle income countries to develop and implement national health plans, and has worked with them to maximize the use of domestic financing and external support for better, more sustainable health results.

In March 2022, the GFF organized a webinar on Navigating the Health Information System (HIS) Landscape, which provided national Ministries of Health in LMICs with a framework for evaluating how different kinds of Health Information Systems (HIS), including HMIS and Tracker systems like DHIS2, as well as Electronic Medical Records (EMRs), could help them meet their strategic and frontline health data needs.

In addition to the overview, the webinar included experience sharing from organizations that have worked on implementing these systems. This segment featured two members of the DHIS2 community, with experts from the HISP Centre at UiO and BAO Systems sharing experiences on Tracker and HMIS systems respectively. This webinar and accompanying slides have now been published as a learning resource on the GFF website.