Demo Databases
DHIS2 maintains several demo databases to allow you to test out key features and configurations of the DHIS2 platform using realistic data
DHIS2 maintains several demo databases to allow you to test out key features and configurations of the DHIS2 platform using realistic data
Explore the DHIS2 platform and test out features in our interactive demo database, which is based on real-world data, and includes the option to work with both aggregate and individual (Event and Tracker) data. You can try out the latest version, or choose previous versions from the options on the DHIS2 Play server.
The DHIS2 Android Capture App is a mobile application that functions natively with the DHIS2 core platform to extend data collection (and case-based monitoring and follow-up activities) to Android mobile devices. You can test any DHIS2 demo database with the Android App by entering the appropriate information in the app when logging in.
The DHIS2 HMIS (Health Management Information System) demo is tailored to promote principles for integrated health information system design and showcase data analysis products based on global guidelines and recommendations from subject matter experts. Here you can find dashboards, indicators, data entry forms, Tracker programs and custom apps in one harmonized space. Demo log-in details are available by language on the demo landing page at the link above.
In addition to its use as a health management information system, DHIS2’s flexible data model means that it is a great tool for data collection and analysis in a variety of domains. DHIS2 for Education is a configuration of DHIS2 as an Education Management Information System (EMIS), which can be used for school and infrastructure management, student enrollment and attendance, nutrition and hygiene, resource allocation and more, as well as in combination with health or other data for multi-sector analysis.
DHIS2 is already in use in more than 20 countries in Africa and Asia, as a “last-mile” solution for facility-level vaccine logistics or as cold chain registry and other eLMIS uses, and the DHIS2 core team is working to produce generic tools and guidance for using DHIS2 for eLMIS contexts.
You can explore functional prototypes of DHIS2 for logistics in our eLMIS sandbox environment. Read the user guide for more information.