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DHIS2 Academy Schedule

Browse our schedule of upcoming in-person DHIS2 Academy events, plus a list of our online training courses, and find registration links to sign up for the course that fits your training needs

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    Overview of scheduling & fees

    The DHIS2 Academy program includes both self-paced online training courses, which are open for registration at any time, and live, in-person Academy courses and conferences that are facilitated by experts from our HISP network and global DHIS2 team, and which are scheduled periodically in different countries in regions where DHIS2 is used.

    Our self-paced online courses are offered free of charge through the DHIS2 Online Academy. Participation fees for in-person Academies and events vary based on logistics costs.

    On this page, you can browse our schedule of upcoming live courses and events, and explore a list of our currently available online courses. To learn more about the content, learning goals, and target audiences of these courses, visit our course catalog. To access course material from previous Academies visit, our training archive.

    If you have questions about the DHIS2 Academy calendar, you can contact us at academy@dhis2.org

    DHIS2 Academy schedule: Live courses & events

    See the list below for information on our upcoming live Academies, conferences, and other training events. You can also browse upcoming in-person and online events on our Events page.

    Please note: All dates and locations listed below are tentative until registration is opened, and are subject to change.

    Android ImplementationDomain & Program ManagementVictoria Falls, ZimbabweEnglish7 - 11 April 2025Registration
    Integration WorkshopArchitecture & ExtensionsVictoria Falls, ZimbabweEnglish7 - 11 April 2025Registration
    Tracker Configuration FundamentalsDHIS2 ConfigurationAmman, JordanArabic3 - 8 May 2025Registration
    The DHIS2 Annual ConferenceConferenceOslo, NorwayEnglish/français10 - 13 June 2025Registration
    Data Use and TriangulationDHIS2 UseOslo, NorwayEnglish16 - 18 June 2025Available soon
    Principes de configuration AndroidConfiguration du DHIS2Yamoussoukro, Côte d'IvoireFrançais28 Juillet - 01 Aout 2025Disponible bientôt
    Visualizing Data in DHIS2DHIS2 UseKigali, RwandaEnglish11 - 15 August 2025Available soon
    Visualisation des données dans le DHIS2Utilisation de DHIS2Bamako, MaliFrançais15 - 20 Septembre 2025Disponible bientôt
    Asia-Pacific Regional DHIS2 ConferenceConferenceBali, IndonesiaEnglish14 - 16 October 2025Available soon
    Administration du serveurArchitecture et extensionsLomé, TogoFrançais20 - 24 Octobre 2025Disponible bientôt
    DHIS2 for LogisticsDomain & Program ManagementKigali, RwandaEnglish27 - 31 October 2025Available soon
    Tracker Configuration FundamentalsDHIS2 ConfigurationEthiopiaEnglishNovember 2025 - Date TBCAvailable soon
    Principes de base de la saisie et de l’analyse des données du TrackerUtilisation de DHIS2Kinshasa, DRCFrançais24 - 29 Novembre 2025Disponible bientôt

    DHIS2 Online Academy: Self-paced online courses

    Explore the list below to learn more and register for our free online training courses.

    Course CategoryFormatLanguageLengthRegistration
    Introduction to DHIS2Introduction to DHIS2Online, self-pacedEnglish3 hoursRegister
    Aggregate Data Capture & Validation FundamentalsDHIS2 UseOnline, self-pacedEnglish5 hoursRegister
    Aggregate Data Analysis FundamentalsDHIS2 UseOnline, self-pacedEnglish6 hoursRegister
    Event Data Capture and Analysis FundamentalsDHIS2 UseOnline, self-pacedEnglish12 hoursRegister
    Data QualityDHIS2 UseOnline, self-pacedEnglish20 hoursRegister
    Aggregate Customization FundamentalsDHIS2 ConfigurationOnline, self-pacedEnglish12 hoursRegister
    DHIS2 Event Configuration FundamentalsDHIS2 ConfigurationOnline, self-pacedEnglish9 hoursRegister
    Planning & Budgeting DHIS2 ImplementationsProgram & Domain ManagementOnline, self-pacedEnglish9 hoursRegister
    Cours en français
    Introduction à DHIS2Introduction à DHIS2En ligne, à votre rythmeFrançais3 heuresInscriptions
    Les fondamentaux de la saisie et de la validation des données agrégéesUtilisation de DHIS2En ligne, à votre rythmeFrançais5 heuresInscriptions
    Les fondamentaux de l'analyse des données agrégéesUtilisation de DHIS2En ligne, à votre rythmeFrançais6 hoursInscriptions
    Le paramétrage de DHIS2 agrégéConfiguration DHIS2En ligne, à votre rythmeFrançais12 heuresInscriptions
    Les Fondamentaux de DHIS2 ÉvénementsConfiguration DHIS2En ligne, à votre rythmeFrançais25 heuresInscriptions
    Cursos en español
    Introducción a DHIS2Introducción a DHIS2En línea, a su propio ritmoEspañol3 horasInscripción
    Fundamentos de Captura y Validación de Datos AgregadosUso de DHIS2En línea, a su propio ritmoEspañol5 horasInscripción
    Fundamentos de Análisis de Datos Agregados en DHIS2Uso de DHIS2En línea, a su propio ritmoEspañol6 horasInscripción
    Fundamentos de Configuración de Datos AgregadosConfiguración de DHIS2En línea, a su propio ritmoEspañol12 horasInscripción

    Event Calendar

    Browse the DHIS2 event calendar below to find our Academy courses and other public DHIS2 and HISP events that you might be interested in. You can click each event in the calendar to learn more.