Contact Us
There are a number of ways to contact the DHIS2 team, depending on what your question is or what kind of help you need. See below for the best ways to get and stay in touch.
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Sign up for our mailing list
Join the DHIS2 mailing list to receive our monthly newsletter – DHIS2 Highlights – plus periodic announcements of software releases, DHIS2 Academy courses, and significant DHIS2 news and events.
You can also use the checkboxes below to indicate your preferred languages and topics: select “General DHIS2 Updates” to receive most information from DHIS2, “Technical & Developer” to receive information relevant for developers and technical implementers, and “DHIS2 for Education” for information related to using DHIS2 in the education sector.
Join the Community of Practice
The DHIS2 Community of Practice (CoP) is a free online discussion forum for DHIS2 users, implementers, developers, and experts from around the world.
On the CoP, you can find user stories and best practices from DHIS2 implementations, ask questions and get support on your DHIS2 projects, browse job postings and advertise your services, and more. Register for your free CoP account today.
Follow us on social media
Request a DHIS2 demo
Do you think DHIS2 could be a good fit for your project? Request a demo with one of our experts to discuss your use case and see how DHIS2 could help you manage your data – for health programs, disease surveillance, education management, and more.
Technical support for your DHIS2 instance
If you are looking for support for starting up a new DHIS2 project we recommend that you reach out to the HISP network. This network consists of HISP groups with extensive experience with DHIS2 in health and other domains, who can assist you with configuration, training and project management. This includes local HISP groups based in 23 countries in the global south, regional HISP hubs in Africa and Asia that can take on multi-country projects, and HISP UiO (the organization that develops the DHIS2 software) which can coordinate global and multi-region initiatives. Find out more about the services we offer and how to contact us on the HISP network page.
If you are a system administrator or implementer and are experiencing technical difficulties with your DHIS2 system, you should consult the DHIS2 Community of Practice support channel. Search the archives first to see if your question has already been answered. If not, you can post it there and ask for help.
If you are a DHIS2 user, you should contact your local system administrator for assistance.
Partnership and collaboration inquiries
Development of the DHIS2 software and global DHIS2 resources is supported by HISP UiO’s funding partners. This generous support allows us to develop and maintain DHIS2 as a free and open-source Digital Public Good, and helps our partners make an impact in their priority areas in low- and middle-income countries around the world. If you are interested in partnering with us, you can learn more on our Partner With Us page, or send us an email at
General inquiries for the core team
Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you are interested in using DHIS2 for your organization or government agency, if you are a researcher of member of the press interested in writing about DHIS2, or if you have other inquiries that are not covered by the categories listed on this page. The DHIS2 core team can be reached by email at
Share your DHIS2 story with us
Is your government or organization using DHIS2 for a regional, national, or international program? We want to hear about it! Fill out our online form to share the details of your DHIS2 implementation with us.
Report a bug in DHIS2
DHIS2 uses Jira for issue tracking and our software roadmap. You can use Jira to report bugs, request new features, and get an overview of which features make it into each release.
Before reporting a bug in DHIS2, please check the DHIS2 Community of Practice to see if your issue has already been addressed. If you confirm that you have found a bug that has not already been identified, you can report it on Jira by navigating to the DHIS2 Jira homepage, clicking “create” in the top menu, selecting “bug” as the issue type, and filling out the required fields.
Beta Testing
We appreciate your interest in beta testing new versions of the DHIS2 core software and DHIS2 Android App.
To participate, please look out for beta testing announcements on the DHIS2 Community of Practice.
Visit the DHIS2 offices
DHIS2 is developed and maintained by the HISP Centre at the University of Oslo in Norway. Our physical address is: Gaustadalléen 30, 0373 Oslo
You can find directions to our offices on the Getting to our Offices page.
Report issues with our website
Did you find something wrong with our website? Let us know by email at