HISP UiO chairs the 2021 IFIP 9.4 Virtual Conference
Researchers from around the world join the University of Oslo online to discuss resilient ICT4D
From 26-28 May 2021, the Health Information Systems Programme (HISP) at University of Oslo (UiO) chairs the IFIP 9.4 Virtual Conference. This event is organized by the IFIP Working Group 9.4 on Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development — an officially designated working group of the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP), which celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2021 — and brings together ICT4D researchers from around the world to share and discuss their work, with nearly 400 registered participants from 52 countries.

The theme of this year’s conference is Resilient ICT4D. This topic of resilience is particularly relevant due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has placed a severe strain on national health infrastructure, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, and has impacted vulnerable groups in a variety of ways. At the same time, ongoing ICT4D research on other topics has also been disrupted by the COVID-19. This conference approaches themes of ICT4D research in and beyond the pandemic, underpinned by the need for resilience to help keep the spirit of “making a better world with ICTs” alive in the face of a global crisis.
IFIP Working Group 9.4 is dedicated to research and action in the social issues of sustainable development. HISP UiO is a longstanding participant in this working group. Several members of the HISP Information Systems research group and the global HISP network will share their research at the IFIP 9.4 conference, including presentations on how DHIS2 supports data use in Rwanda, and on the relevance of Digital Public Goods in ICT4D projects.
Read more about IFIP Working Group 9.4 on their website.