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DHIS2 News: The OECD features DHIS2 on new TIPs site

The OECD’s Development Co-operation TIPs website highlighted DHIS2 among other best practices and insights in global development

21 Jul 2021 News

In June 2021, the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) launched a new peer learning platform: Development Co-operation TIPs (Tools, Insights, Practices). DHIS2 was included as a featured example as an example of scaling technology-driven innovation successfully.

In particular, the report highlights a high degree of country ownership, our commitment to open source, our ongoing capacity-building programs through the DHIS2 Academy, and the sustained engagement and support that the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) has provided to HISP UiO and the DHIS2 project since the beginning.

The DHIS2 team is grateful for the ongoing support of Norad and our other partners and the contributions from the global DHIS2 community, and proud to have our work highlighted by the OECD.

You can read the full report on DHIS2 and browse other examples on the OECD website.