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Android Capture App v3.0 Overview

Explore the new features and improvements in version 3.0 of the DHIS2 Android Capture mobile app

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    Highlights of this release

    Here are some of the highlights included in Android Capture v3.0:

    • Line lists are now available in android offline analytics
    • You can now expand the icon library with custom icons
    • It is possible to customize Tracker terminology, improving end-user familiarity

    Browse the full list of new features below, and watch presentations and demos of features from this release on our YouTube channel. You can also read the release announcement on the DHIS2 Community of Practice for more details and share comments and questions with us.

    For an overview of new features in our core software and web apps, visit the DHIS2 v41 overview page.

    Configuration & Platform Features

    Custom icons

    You can now upload custom icons to expand beyond the built-in icon library, which is ideal for non-health-related or specialized icon needs. The DHIS2 Android Capture app displays these icons, which are configured via the DHIS2 Maintenance web app.

    Support for customized tracker terminology

    DHIS2 now allows customizing Tracker terminology like “event” and “enrollment” to replace with terms that are more familiar to end users. Admins can configure it per program via the Maintenance App, and the Android Capture App reflects these custom terms.

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    Configurable basemap layer

    The DHIS2 Android App now supports custom map layers configured in Maps Web App. These layers are downloaded and displayed alongside default ones, enhancing mapping capabilities.

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    Import/export Android App DB

    Users can export an encrypted local database for troubleshooting, allowing admins to import the exact environment. This aids in diagnosing sync issues and ensuring data integrity. Access to the exported database requires credentials for security.

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    Improved end-user config error feedback

    The Android Capture app now provides clear and explicit error messages for configuration issues, enabling effective communication between users and administrators to promptly resolve empty screen problems caused by empty forms or lack of access.

    Mobile Data Collection Features

    Improved TEI search user experience

    The Tracked Entity Instance (TEI) search form has been improved for a cleaner, intuitive experience. Buttons are now explicit for search and creation. TEI search with barcodes has been streamlined: Unique result opens TEI Dashboard; multiple results show TEI list; no results prompt creation or external search.

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    Improvements in form layout

    In this version, event/enrollment details like event date, org unit, coordinates, and category combinations are integrated within the form. They’re readily accessible as the first section, and are collapsed after filling for efficient data collection.

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    Improved TEI dashboard user experience

    The TEI dashboard’s bottom part, displaying program stages, has been revamped for a cleaner look. The events list now offers more space, and includes less non-critical information. The “Create Event” button has also been relocated to the top (timeline view).

    New Inputs for value types in Android App

    V3.0 includes redesigned inputs for all value types, improving data entry. Signature input and complete legend description enhance the experience. New fields have default settings, and admins have the option to opt-out via the Android Settings web app.

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    Improvements in tracker program data entry flow

    This version features improved Tracker program user flow with confirmation dialog for TEI deletion, redesigned scheduling event dialog, streamlined org. unit selection for single access pre-filled, and program rule “Hide program stage” alignment with the Capture web app.

    Improved app navigation performance for high number of TEIs

    DHIS2 implementations are becoming more and more demanding in terms of offline need of individual records. This version of the app has been reviewed to optimize performance when there are large numbers of TEIs downloaded locally.

    Improve App behavior when working in offline mode

    The Android Capture App now notifies users when actions requiring internet connection are tapped without connectivity. This improves behavior of non-responsive parts like sync buttons when no connection is available.

    Mobile Data Analysis Features

    Line listing analytics in Android

    The Android Capture App now supports offline line listing analytics. These are created in the DHIS2 web app and configured in Android Settings Web App. They are displayable on the user’s home screen and in event/tracker programs, and are searchable by period, org unit, or custom columns.

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    Release Info & Demo

    Click on the links in the table below for more information about this software release and to access an interactive demo. You can also add comments or ask questions about this release on the DHIS2 Community of Practice.

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    Full list of features and bugsAndroid Release Notes
    Demo instance (user / password)Demos (android / Android123)
    DHIS2 communityDHIS2 Community of Practice
    App Source code on GithubDHIS2 Android source code
    SDK Source Code on GithubAndroid SDK source code